It has been on my mind for the past few weeks now, that I really want to be held. I don't think it is a particularly sexual desire. Just a human one. Sometimes my body might tell me otherwise but I'm trying not to listen to that too much because in my mind I'm pretty certain that all I want to know is that I'm loved. I know I'm loved... but I want to KNOW that I'm loved. People can tell you they love you and show that they care - they can use all the right words, but until they put their arms around you it's hard to know, to accept, that it's true.
I often feel kept at arms length. Even before I began to face up to my struggles, before nobody else knew, I felt that 'they knew' secretly and didn't want to get too close. Now the devil is quite happy to whisper in my ear to tell me that nobody wants to get too close to me - the gay one.
I find it particularly hard to deal with this when I see other friends hugging - I feel jealous - I think to myself that they don't hug me like that. It's all rubbish I know but it's very often how things go in my mind. I know, that I know, that I know, that I am accepted and loved by my friends. Man, I've given them plenty chances to close the door and tell me where to go. If they really wanted to keep their distance they would.
I don't know where this all comes from. Is it a 'Scottish' thing. Men just don't do this touchy-feely thing over here. Some friends have commented that you only get that kind of contact with other guys when you play sport. Those kind of sports just aren't my thing.
Is it something to do with my old man? He's a top bloke but he doesn't really do the whole huggy thing. I can't remember even if he did when I was wee.
Is it something to do with the fact that the only contact I had with guys when I was younger was normally through some form of physical abuse?
Am I just abnormal? Do I have an unusually high need to be held?
I don't know. I don't know if it will ever make sense. I know that the arms of a woman would not meet this need in me, and if I ever want to get married it is something I am going to want sorted in someway. I'm sorry darling but your embrace just doesn't do it for me like a man's does!!!
I'm inclined to think that perhaps it's something to do with God. Now I haven't searched the scriptures on this (yet), but I'm pretty certain that if Jesus Christ was in the room with me just now he would put His arms around me and would not let me go until He knew that I knew how much he cares for me. How much I mean to Him. How much I am not a threat to Him. How much He wants to be with me. How comfortable He feels in my close proximity.
The fact is, that wanting to be held by another man is nothing to do with wanting to sleep with him. I got that a bit confused for a while. While searching for porn I would often find myself taken by the photographs and images but rather disappointed by the movies. I realise that to some extent it was the idea of 2 men being close, having deep trust, and being willing to share personal space that attracted me - not so much the sexual act.
As Christian men (SSA or OSA) is there a need for us to communicate God's love for one another in this way? Letting one another know that the world's fear is not one that we need to share? Is it a problem for some people who do not deal with SSA, that they feel insecure with physical contact with other men? Is it possible that we need to communicate the Father's love through our embrace?
I'm not suggesting we start hugging each other randomly and for no reason, but that we consider how important the issue can be. That we deal with our misperception that hugging is sexual. It's all kind of childish in a way. It's like when children say 'yuk' at the thought of people loving one another - because sometimes their view of love is confused by what they imagine to be between a man and woman.
I certainly know that I'm not about to start asking my mates to hug me - as much as I wish they would. I rather wish that it was something that was perceived and offered - like when a kid falls and hurts themselves, their dad comes along and picks them up and puts his hands around them until the tears stop and the kid knows it's all going to be alright.
Perhaps if these things happened it'd be wrong... perhaps it would 'feed my perversion'.I'm inclined to think otherwise though. I actually think it would help me feel a little less gay.
I TOTALLY know where you're coming from in regards to wanting a hug. My "hand shake" friends began hugging me when I "came out" to them but this last week it was all hand shakes again. I don't know why but I really wanted a hug but was afraid to ask for one.
On Sunday night as we parted I felt empty, I just felt like I needed some reassurance but all I got was a hand shake. On top of that I got the news that one of my buddies didn't want to get together for dinner on Wednesdays anymore.
This sent me into an emotional spiral and I was depressed all last night and all day today.
I'm afraid I have become too emotionally dependent on my friends, and they know it.
But today I received a reassuring e-mail from one of my other close friends (one of three who I have "come out" to as one who struggles with SSA) and it did wonders for me. But I still felt like I needed a hug.
All I did today was go the gym and read books.
I think my "need" for a hug goes back to my poor relationship with my dad and my siblings. But I keep wondering if I will ever get beyond this.
Bro, I just want you to know that though we've never met that I love you and prayed for you today.
Grace & Peace,
Hugs from Christian brothers are an expression of God's love, they do not feed perversion. As I have said before, I do not need hugs because I feel attracted to men, I need hugs because I am celibate. My celibate friends who feel no SSA seem to appreciate hugs just as much.
I do share hugs regularly with my close friends, but I am usually the one to initiate. Don't wait for them to hug you, you hug them.
If your friend feels uncomfortable, be considerate and express affection however he finds appropriate-a handshake, hitting fists (we call it a "dap"), a pat on the back, even a poke in the ribs, whatever. Real love is being a blessing to others, not selfishly demanding things your way.
I am praying. If I were there I would hug you right now! Always feel free to call.
Thanks MR. I appreciate your thoughts. I agree with what you say about real love being a blessing. I think that's why I'm so wary of pushing myself on others. I don't want to be a nuisance. I know I need to find the correct balance.
Bless you man,
thank you.
You spoke the words my heart could not speak.
I want to be held without fear as well
I tend to believe those of us who have the greatest desire to be loved also have the greatest capacity to express it to others. I agree with "Mr." - maybe you should initiate hugs with your friends. I guarantee that most of them need it just as much as you feel you do. And when you express love toward someone else, your need is also met.
Hey man I know where you're coming from... and I thank you for writing this. Makes me feel less "alone" with this whole thing... I've felt this way my whole life. I am glad I came across your post here... I really needed to hear this. Thanks for sharing...
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Just reading some of your posts I realize how similar our thoughts have been regarding touch, a hug, and the desire to be loved. Maybe what Anonymous said is true, will have to think about that, "those of us who have the greatest desire to be loved are the ones who have the greatest capacity to express it to others."
:-) ::HUG::
I am in tears, joyful tear, as I read your postings. Last night I simply wanted to be held and this morning that desire resounded again and so I decided, "hmm..just type it into Google and see if any other women feel that way?" And so I did, and I saw your beautifully titled Blog, I'll approach the throne of grace with confidence. Ahhh!
Friend, I do not struggle with SSA but I struggle with the desire of a man wanting me for me. I resonated with sooo many of your vulnerable thoughts and your outcries that I literally thought I was reading my own journal. It is so comforting to know that there is another person who loves Jesus who is fighting the fight with God's truth and who is wrestling with life. It is so encouraging to see a man fighting for His new life in His Savior and fighting against the flesh. It is refreshing to know that there are men out there who truly desire Jesus and who "get it."
I strive to love my Savior with everything I am, and to welcome His perfect love in return. I know I don't need a man to feel complete, and for once in my life, I know I don't need a man, but I desire a man to love me like Christ loves the Church. I too desire a compliment to hold me, love me, encourage me in Jesus, and raise a family who fearfully loves and lives for the Lord.
I am frustrated with life, but what does life owe me? Nothing! I thought by 28 I'd be married, have children, own a house, and have wrinkles from smiling and laughing too much. Like Solomon writes, everything is meaningless and vanity and therefore we must fear God and obey His commands.
Thank you friend for sharing your heart. I literally just stumbled upon your blog, and I am so encouraged to start my own. Scotland looks like a beautiful place and I bet the mtn. biking there is 100x more awesome then Southern California's. We've got some epic trails though.
Anyway, thank you. thank you. thank you.
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